How does POLYAS ensure that online voting is secure?
The voting software POLYAS CORE 2.5.0 meets the requirements of the international Protection Profile for secure online voting products according to the Common Criteria and is based on the electoral principles anchored in German Basic Law (universal, secret, free, equal, direct). The voting software POLYAS CORE 2.5.0 is a central component of certification by the BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security).
The POLYAS CORE 3.0 voting software observes all voting principles during online voting. Compliance with the electoral principles is verified by cryptographic and mathematical methods.
The online voting software POLYAS CORE 3.0 protects your voter data in accordance with the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation by restricting access to election and voter data, using high-quality security measures for data processing, and by implementing regular backups. A high-performance security concept guarantees the availability of a secure online voting system. Furthermore, POLYAS CORE 3.0 offers electoral officers and eligible voters the use of independent verification tools to check the correct processing of the online election or the correct casting of votes.